Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Effective Parameters involved in Estimating Coastal Urban Areas’ Concentration Time: A Case Study of Bandar Abbass City, Iran
Assistant Professor Water engineering, Minab higher Education center, University of Hormozgan, Iran.
Professor, Faculty of environment, Tehran University
This study set out to introduce the quantitative analysis of open surface water systems located at Bandar Abbass in southern Iran, seeking to identify the best applicable formulas for urban catchment and determine the sensitivity index in each formula. To this end, the observed concentration-time was compared with twenty-two empirical formulas already developed for concentration time. Moreover, the sensitivity index was assessed for each variable involved in formulas regarding the concentration time. The study's results indicated that from among all methodologies used in Gorsozan estuary, the F.A.A. method best fitted the concentration-time with the N.S. and RMSE values reported as being 0.66 and 1.61, respectively, and the Henderson and Wooding method best suited the Seyed Kamel estuary, with the N.S. and RMSE values found to be 0.892 and 2.541, respectively. Furthermore, The Yen and Chow's method with the N.S. and RMSE values of 0.88 and 1.15, and the Duran &Rangan method with the N.S. and RMSE values of -0.42 and 31.72 were the best results found for the overland time in Gorsozan and Seyed Kamel estuaries. Also, the results for the sensitivity index indicated that any decline in variables such as length, slope, and N Manning had a significant impact on the concentration-time. In addition, changes of slope and N Manning values in all overland-flow formulas considerably affected the low-slope surfaces.
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Heydarzadeh, M. , and Nohegar, A. . "Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Effective Parameters involved in Estimating Coastal Urban Areas’ Concentration Time: A Case Study of Bandar Abbass City, Iran", Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, 3, 2, 2021, 1-18. doi: 10.22052/jdee.2021.240308.1069
Heydarzadeh, M., Nohegar, A. (2021). 'Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Effective Parameters involved in Estimating Coastal Urban Areas’ Concentration Time: A Case Study of Bandar Abbass City, Iran', Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, 3(2), pp. 1-18. doi: 10.22052/jdee.2021.240308.1069
M. Heydarzadeh and A. Nohegar, "Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Effective Parameters involved in Estimating Coastal Urban Areas’ Concentration Time: A Case Study of Bandar Abbass City, Iran," Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, 3 2 (2021): 1-18, doi: 10.22052/jdee.2021.240308.1069
Heydarzadeh, M., Nohegar, A. Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Effective Parameters involved in Estimating Coastal Urban Areas’ Concentration Time: A Case Study of Bandar Abbass City, Iran. Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, 2021; 3(2): 1-18. doi: 10.22052/jdee.2021.240308.1069