1- Article Submission steps:
For submit manuscripts to Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal (DEEJ), go to website: http://jdee.kashanu.ac.ir/journal/authors.note and done the following steps:
- Registration as a user in website
- Receiving the article special code
- Filling the article form with required data
- Checking the article and submitting related files and comments in the private page
- Approving the article
Authors who do not already have an account with DEEJ will be asked to create a short user profile and given a unique password.
At first manuscripts received are verified for formatting, aim and scope, then submitted through the standard peer review process for scientific publishing. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. Times for review and consideration will vary.
It is very important that authors take the time to thoroughly review for grammar and spelling before submitting manuscripts. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). By submitting a manuscript, the author guarantees that this manuscript (in its original language or in translations to other languages) excludes falsification, plagiarism and self-plagiarism, duplicate submissions, and multiple copying of similar information in different research papers.
2- Changes to authorship
If you wish to add, delete or rearrange the authors of your accepted paper: Before online publication: The corresponding author should contact the Journals Manager, and provide (a) the reason for the change, and (b) the written consent of all co-authors, including the authors being added or removed. Please note that your paper will not be published until the changes have been agreed. After online publication: Any requests to add, delete, or rearrange author names in an article published in an online issue will follow the same policies as noted above and result in a corrigendum.
3- Formatting requirements
Please use of Microsoft Word software (2003 or next versions). DEEJ website accept your file in doc format. Your manuscripts should consist of no more than 14 pages. Page format should be A4 with top, bottom, left and right margins of 2.5 cm. Please do not supply your typescript as a PDF. Contributions should be typed in Word format.
For the main text, please use Times New Roman font, point size 12. For heading please use point size 12 in Bold. Line spacing should be 1.5. Paragraph indent should be 0.5 cm. For measurements and physical quantities use the International System of Units (SI).
All manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript, including Title, Authors name and affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Figures and Tables.
3.1. Title
The title should be concise. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems.
3.2. Author name(s) and affiliation(s):
Full (unabbreviated) affiliations of author’s should be write. Full contact details (e-mail and postal address) are is mandatory for the corresponding author. If the authors of a manuscript have different affiliations, use superscripted lowercase letters to differentiate each one.
For other writers academic affiliation is required.
3.3. Abstract and Keywords:
The abstract should not be too short and should not contain references to other works. The abstract should be informative and detailed and should describe the main results and research methods. The text should be preceded by an abstract of 250 words, which should be followed by maximum of 3 to 6 keywords on a separate line.
3.4. Introduction:
Describing the background of the work and its aims.
3.5. Material and Methods:
Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Also a brief description of the methods/techniques used (the principles of these methods should not be described if readers can be directed to easily accessible references or standard texts).
3.6. Results and Discussion:
A clear presentation of experimental results obtained, highlighting any trends or points of interest.
3.7. Conclusions:
A brief explanation of the significance and implications of the work reported.
3.8. Acknowledgements
You should include your acknowledgements at the end of your article, before the references list. The ‘Acknowledgements’ section should include a list of any contributors who lack necessary conditions for authorship.
3.9. References
- Citations in text
Use surname of author and year of publication: Beven (2002) or (Beven 2002). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list.
- Reference links
We use digital object identifiers (DOIs) to link references to the source material. This can only be done if the data provided in the references are correct. Please be very careful, especially when copying references, to ensure that surnames, journal/book titles, publication year and pagination are all correct. Please include DOIs where available.
The list of reference should be given in alphabetical order with sequential numbering. References to unpublished works and reports are not allowed. References are to be given in Harvard style.
Citation in text
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list.Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication'. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication
Reference formatting
There are no strict requirements on reference formatting at submission. References can be in any style or format as long as the style is consistent. Where applicable, author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, chapter title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapter and the pagination must be present.
Reference style
Text: All citations in the text should refer to:
1. Single author: the author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;
2. Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication;
3. Three or more authors: first author's name followed by 'et al.' and the year of publication.
List: References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication.
If you do wish to format the references yourself they should be arranged according to the following examples (in table):
Journals |
In-Text Example |
Reference List Example |
Single author |
(Ranjbar, 2015) |
Ranjbar, A, 2015. Variation characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence of a typical Eremophyte (Smirnovia Iranica (Sabeti)) during phenological stages in the sand drift desert (Case study: In Kashan Region), Journal of Desert, Vol 21-1:35-41 |
Two authors |
(Ghazavi. & Vali 2113,) |
Ghazavi R. and VAli A.B. 2113. The effect of planted saltbush (Atriplex lentiformis) on edaphic factors in grazed and ungrazed area. International Journal of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences. Vol 21: 113-122 |
Three or more authors |
(Omidvar et al 2015) |
Omidvar,E., Kavian, A., Solaimani,K. and Mashari, S, 2015.Investigation of Applicability of Soil Map Units to Estimate the Spatial Variability of Soil Erodibility, Journal of Desert Ecosystem Engineering, Vol 9: 95-107. |
Proceedings |
In-Text Example |
Reference List Example |
Published Conferences, seminars and meeting |
(Heydarnezhad, & Ranjbar Fordoie, 2016) |
Heydarnezhad, S and Ranjbar Fordoie A, 2016. Statistical analysis of dust events in Lorestan province during 2001-2012, The first International Conference on Dust. Ahvaz. Iran. |
Book |
In-Text Example |
Reference List Example |
Single author |
(Doss 2003) |
Doss, G., 2003, IS project management handbook, Aspen Publishers, New York. |
Two authors |
(Laudon & Laudon 2003) |
Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P., 2003, Essentials of management information systems: |
Three or more authors |
In-text: initially (Coveney, Ganster & King 2003) In-text: thereafter (Coveney et al. 2003) |
Coveney, M., Ganster, S. & King, D., 2003, The strategy gap: Leveraging technology to execute winning strategies, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J. |
chapter in an edited book |
(Mettam & Adams, 2009) |
Mettam, G.R. and Adams, L.B. 2009. How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones, B.S. and Smith, R.Z. (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, pp. 281–304. |
edited book |
Shaw (ed. 2003:87) indicates that ‘ |
Shaw, M.J. (ed.), 2003. E-business management: Integration of Web technologies with business models, Kluwer Academic, London. |
In-Text Example |
Reference List Example |
thesis |
(Heydarnezhad, 2014) |
Heydarnezhad, S. 2014. Evaluating the halo-phytoremediation potential of Seidlitzia rosmarinus L. on salt contaminated soil, University of kashan, kashan. Iran. |
In-Text Example |
Reference List Example |
webpage |
According to Greenpeace (n.d.), genetically modified foods are or Greenpeace (n.d.:1 of 2) recommends that ‘fewer genetically …’. |
Greenpeace n.d., The future is GE free, viewed 28 September 2005, from http://www.greenpeace.org.au/ge/farming/canola.html. |
References to works by the same author should be arranged in chronological order.
4. Typesetting Requirements
4.1. Subdivision - numbered sections
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2 ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering).
Please ensure the figures and the tables included in the single file are placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript, rather than at the bottom or the top of the file. The corresponding caption should be placed directly below the figure or table.
4.2. Math formulae
Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images.
Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Tables can be placed either next to the relevant text in the article, or on separate page(s) at the end. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. Please avoid using vertical rules and shading in table cells.
4.3. Figures
All figures should be embedded correctly positioned within your Word files. Figures should be numbered consecutively as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Use Times New Roman with 10 pt type for captions. Legends should be set in the figures. Photos should be sharp and clear. All explanations to drawings and photographs should be put after a figure in the notes, in which case figures should include the respective number callouts. All figures must be numbered and titled. If there is only one figure in the text, it should not be numbered and the reference in the text is indicated as (figure). Geographical maps should have a scale.
Note: Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines will be rejected by the editorial board. After revision of a manuscript by the authors in accordance with peer reviewer remarks, the manuscript will be reconsidered by a peer reviewer. The final decision regarding the publication of a manuscript will be made by the editorial board.