Valuing Recreation Ecosystem Services in Jebalbarez Natural Park Using the Regional Travel Cost Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Ecological Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran;

2 Department of Ecological Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran.



Considering the significant role of natural parks in providing an appropriate recreational services for the increasing population worldwide, this study sought to examine the recreational value of Jabalbarez Natural Park (located in Jiroft, Kerman province, Iran) using the regional travel cost method. To this end, a questionnaire was administered to 198 visitors of the Park who were randomly selected, enquiring them regarding their socio-economic status and their opinion about the Jabalbarez Natural Park. The results indicated that the education level (R2=0.546, p<0.001) and income (R2=0.863, p<0.001) had significant positive effects on people's willingness to pay for the entrance fee of the Park, with 74.2% of the respondents expressing their approval to pay the entrance fee. Moreover, it was found that the willingness of the respondents to visit the Park decreased significantly with an increase in the distance from the Park and the travel costs (R2=-0.571, p<0.001). The results of estimating the recreation demand function of the park also showed that travel costs, income level, age, and education level of the visitors exerted a significant influence on the number of visitors (p<0.01).
On the other hand, the annual recreational value of the Jabalbarez Natural Park was estimated as 12536089250 Rials by calculating the subsurface of the recreational demand curve. Jabalbarez Natural Park in Kerman province is less known to Iranian people than similar areas in the country. Therefore, this study revealed the importance of paying attention to recreational management and development in the area.


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