Investigating the effects of human activities and climate change on land degradation and Jazmurian wetland dryness

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Ecological Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft, Kerman, Jiroft, Iran

2 Department of Ecological Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft, Kerman, Jiroft, Iran;

3 Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Arid and Mountainous Regions Reclamation, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran

4 Water Resources Engineer at Kerman Regional Water Company. PhD in Water Science and Engineering Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman



Adopting appropriate management practices and preventing the constant destructive factors involved in such practices requires the protection and monitoring of wetlands. On the other hand, land use and climate change play an important role in the degradation of wetlands. Therefore, this study sought to assess Jazmurian wetland conditions during the pre-and post-dam construction periods and under different climate change scenarios, taking into account land use and climate change as two significant relevant factors. To this end, Landsat images collected from TM 1991, ETM + 2008, and OLI 2021 sensors were used to investigate the trends of land use changes. Finally, predictive land use maps were prepared for 2040 using the Land Change Modeler (LCM). Moreover, the changes in minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation rates were both investigated in the past and predicted for the future using different climate change scenarios and the Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM). The results of the land use investigation revealed that the area of wetland lake has decreased by 1611.45 km2 from 1991 to 2021 and that the trend of land use changes in the future is considerable, leading to an increase in the area of agricultural lands and salt lands, and thus to complete wetland dryness. Moreover, it was found that the average annual precipitation rate had a decreasing trend in the past and that it will decrease in the future compared to the base period. On the other hand, the results of minimum and maximum temperature rate analysis indicated an increasing trend by 3 and 2.56 °C under the RCP 8.5, respectively, compared to the base period. Therefore, the reduced precipitation and increased temperature in the past and future, and the construction of the Jiroft dam can be considered as factors causing a decrease in the wetland area and its water supply, and changes in the wetland’s surrounding ecosystems.


Main Subjects

  1. Almeida, D., Neto, C., Esteves, L. S. and Costa, J. C. 2014. The impacts of land-use changes on the recovery of saltmarshes in Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 92: 40-49.
  2. Anand, J., Gosain, A. K. and Khosa, R. 2018. Prediction of land use changes based on Land Change Modeler and attribution of changes in the water balance of Ganga basin to land use change using the SWAT model. Science of the total environment, 644: 503-519.
  3. Ansari, A. and Golabi, M. H. 2019. Prediction of spatial land use changes based on LCM in a GIS environment for Desert Wetlands–A case study: Meighan Wetland, Iran. International soil and water conservation research, 7(1): 64-70.
  4. Azareh, A., Sardooi, E. R., Gholami, H., Mosavi, A., Shahdadi, A. and Barkhori, S. 2021. Detection and prediction of lake degradation using landscape metrics and remote sensing dataset. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 27283-27298.
  5. Azimi Sardari, M. R., Bazrafshan, O., Panagopoulos, T. and Sardooi, E. R. 2019. Modeling the impact of climate change and land use change scenarios on soil erosion at the Minab Dam Watershed. Sustainability, 11(12): 1-21.
  6. Donner, A. and Klar, N. 1996. The statistical analysis of kappa statistics in multiple samples. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 49: 1053-1058.
  7. Ghashghaie, M. and Nozari, H. 2018. Effect of Dam Construction on Lake Urmia: Time Series Analysis of Water Level via ARIMA. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 20(7): 1541-1553.
  8. Gideon, O. J. and Bernard, B. 2018. Effects of Human Wetland Encroachment on the Degradation of Lubigi Wetland System, Kampala City Uganda. Environment and Ecology Research, 6(6): 562-570.
  9. Gohari, A., Mirchi, A. and Madani, K. 2017. System dynamics evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies for water resources management in central Iran. Water Resources Management, 31(5): 1413-1434.
  10. Gómez Aíza, L., K. Ruíz Bedolla, AM. Low-Pfeng, LM. Vallejos Escalona, PM. García-Meneses, 2021. Perceptions and sustainable actions under land degradation and climate change: the case of a remnant wetland in Mexico City. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(4): 4984-5003.
  11. Gómez Aíza, L., Ruíz Bedolla, K., Low-Pfeng, A. M., Vallejos Escalona, L. M. and García-Meneses, P. M. 2021. Perceptions and sustainable actions under land degradation and climate change: the case of a remnant wetland in Mexico City. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(4): 4984-5003.
  12. Hossain, M. S., Hein, L., Rip, F. I. and Dearing, J. A. 2015. Integrating ecosystem services and climate change responses in coastal wetlands development plans for Bangladesh. Mitigation and Adaptation strategies for global Change, 20: 241-261.
  13. Hu, T., Liu, J., Zheng, G., Zhang, D. and Huang, K. 2020. Evaluation of historical and future wetland degradation using remote sensing imagery and land use modeling. Land Degradation & Development, 31(1): 65-80.
  14. Jahanifar, K., Amirnejad, H., Mojaverian, M. and Azadi, H. 2018. Land change detection and effective factors on forest land use changes: application of land change modeler and multiple linear regression. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 22(8): 1269-1275.
  15. Johnson, S.J. 2009. An evaluation of land change modeler for ARCGIS for the ecological analysis of landscape composition. Southern Illinois University at Carbondal
  16. Joorabian Shooshtari, S.H. 2012. Monitoring land cover change, degradation, and restoration of the hyrcanian forests in northern Iran (1977–2010). International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(3): 1038-1056
  17. Kim, O.S. 2010. An Assessment of Deforestation Models for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). Transactions in GIS, 14: 631-654
  18. Kouassi, J.L., A. Gyau, L. Diby, Y. Bene, C. Kouamé, 2021. Assessing land use and land cover change and farmers’ perceptions of deforestation and land degradation in South-West Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. Land, 10(4): 429.
  19. Kouassi, J. L., Gyau, A., Diby, L., Bene, Y. and Kouamé, C. 2021. Assessing land use and land cover change and farmers’ perceptions of deforestation and land degradation in South-West Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. Land, 10(4): 1-25.
  20. Kouhestani, S., Eslamian, S. S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and Besalatpour, A. A. 2016. Projection of climate change impacts on precipitation using soft-computing techniques: A case study in Zayandeh-rud Basin, Iran. Global and Planetary Change, 144: 158-170.
  21. Lamsal, P., K. Atreya, MK. Ghosh, KP. Pant, 2019. Effects of population, land cover change, and climatic variability on wetland resource degradation in a Ramsar listed Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, Nepal. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(7); 1-16.
  22. Lamsal, P., Atreya, K., Ghosh, M. K. and Pant, K. P. 2019. Effects of population, land cover change, and climatic variability on wetland resource degradation in a Ramsar listed Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, Nepal. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(7): 1-26.
  23. Maleki, S., Koupaei, S. S., Soffianian, A., Saatchi, S., Pourmanafi, S. and Rahdari, V. 2019. Human and climate effects on the Hamoun wetlands. Weather, Climate, and Society, 11(3): 609-622.
  24. Malik, M. and Rai, S.C. 2019. Drivers of land use/cover change and its impact on Pong Dam wetland. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(4): 1-14.
  25. Mehrabi, A., Khabazi, M., Almodaresi, S. A., Nohesara, M. and Derakhshani, R. 2019. Land use changes monitoring over 30 years and prediction of future changes using multi-temporal Landsat imagery and the land change modeler tools in Rafsanjan city (Iran). Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 11(1): 1-39.
  26. Melendez-Pastor, I., Navarro-Pedreno. , Gomez. I., Koch, M. 2010. Detecting drought induced environmental changes in a Mediterranean wetland by remote sensing; Applied Geography, 30; 254-262
  27. Melendez-Pastor, I., Navarro-Pedreno, J., Gómez, I. and Koch, M. 2010. Detecting drought induced environmental changes in a Mediterranean wetland by remote sensing. Applied Geography, 30(2): 254-262.
  28. Meng, L., N. Roulet, Q. Zhuang, TR. Christensen, S. Frolking, 2016. Focus on the impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics. Environmental Research Letters, 11(10); 1-4.
  29. Meng, L., Roulet, N., Zhuang, Q., Christensen, T. R. and Frolking, S. 2016. Focus on the impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics. Environmental Research Letters, 11(10): 100201.
  30. Munishi, S. and Jewitt, G. 2019. Degradation of Kilombero valley Ramsar wetlands in Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 112; 216-227.
  31. Oñate-Valdivieso, F. and Sendra, J.B.2010. Application of GIS and remote sensing techniques in generation of land use scenarios for hydrological modeling, Journal of Hydrology, 395: 256-263.
  32. Ozesmi, S. L. and Bauer, M. E. 2002. Satellite remote sensing of wetlands. Wetlands ecology and management, 10: 381-402.
  33. Paudel, S. and Yuan, F. 2012. Assessing landscape changes and dynamics using patch analysis and GIS modeling. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol 16: 66-76.
  34. Saintilan, N., Rogers, K., Kelleway, J. J., Ens, E. and Sloane, D. R. 2019. Climate change impacts on the coastal wetlands of Australia. Wetlands, Vol 39: 1145-1154.
  35. Salimi, S., Almuktar, S. A., & Scholz, M. 2021. Impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems: A critical review of experimentalwetlands. Journal of Environmental Management, 286: 112160.
  36. Saymohammadi, S., Zarafshani, K., Tavakoli, M., Mahdizadeh, H. and Amiri, F. 2017. Prediction of climate change induced temperature & precipitation: The case of Iran. Sustainability, 9(1): 1-13.
  37. Suman, D.O. 2019. Mangrove management: challenges and guidelines. In Coastal wetlands (pp. 1055-1079). Elsevier.
  38. Wilby, RL., CW. Dawson, EM. Barrow, 2002. SDSM—a decision support tool for the assessment of regional climate change impacts. Environmental Modelling & Software, 17(2): 145-157.
  39. Zehtabian, G. R. and Salajegheh, A. Malekian, N. Boroomand, A. Azareh, 2016. Evaluation and comparison of performance of SDSM and CLIMGEN models in simulation of climatic variables in Qazvin plain, Desert, 21(2); 147-156.
  40. Zheng, Y., Zhang, G., Wu, Y., Xu, Y. J. and Dai, C. 2019. Dam effects on downstream riparian wetlands: the Nenjiang River, Northeast China. Water, 11(10): 1-17.
  1. Almeida, D., Neto, C., Esteves, L. S. and Costa, J. C. 2014. The impacts of land-use changes on the recovery of saltmarshes in Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 92: 40-49.
  2. Anand, J., Gosain, A. K. and Khosa, R. 2018. Prediction of land use changes based on Land Change Modeler and attribution of changes in the water balance of Ganga basin to land use change using the SWAT model. Science of the total environment, 644: 503-519.
  3. Ansari, A. and Golabi, M. H. 2019. Prediction of spatial land use changes based on LCM in a GIS environment for Desert Wetlands–A case study: Meighan Wetland, Iran. International soil and water conservation research, 7(1): 64-70.
  4. Azareh, A., Sardooi, E. R., Gholami, H., Mosavi, A., Shahdadi, A. and Barkhori, S. 2021. Detection and prediction of lake degradation using landscape metrics and remote sensing dataset. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 27283-27298.
  5. Azimi Sardari, M. R., Bazrafshan, O., Panagopoulos, T. and Sardooi, E. R. 2019. Modeling the impact of climate change and land use change scenarios on soil erosion at the Minab Dam Watershed. Sustainability, 11(12): 1-21.
  6. Donner, A. and Klar, N. 1996. The statistical analysis of kappa statistics in multiple samples. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 49: 1053-1058.
  7. Ghashghaie, M. and Nozari, H. 2018. Effect of Dam Construction on Lake Urmia: Time Series Analysis of Water Level via ARIMA. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 20(7): 1541-1553.
  8. Gideon, O. J. and Bernard, B. 2018. Effects of Human Wetland Encroachment on the Degradation of Lubigi Wetland System, Kampala City Uganda. Environment and Ecology Research, 6(6): 562-570.
  9. Gohari, A., Mirchi, A. and Madani, K. 2017. System dynamics evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies for water resources management in central Iran. Water Resources Management, 31(5): 1413-1434.
  10. Gómez Aíza, L., K. Ruíz Bedolla, AM. Low-Pfeng, LM. Vallejos Escalona, PM. García-Meneses, 2021. Perceptions and sustainable actions under land degradation and climate change: the case of a remnant wetland in Mexico City. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(4): 4984-5003.
  11. Gómez Aíza, L., Ruíz Bedolla, K., Low-Pfeng, A. M., Vallejos Escalona, L. M. and García-Meneses, P. M. 2021. Perceptions and sustainable actions under land degradation and climate change: the case of a remnant wetland in Mexico City. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(4): 4984-5003.
  12. Hossain, M. S., Hein, L., Rip, F. I. and Dearing, J. A. 2015. Integrating ecosystem services and climate change responses in coastal wetlands development plans for Bangladesh. Mitigation and Adaptation strategies for global Change, 20: 241-261.
  13. Hu, T., Liu, J., Zheng, G., Zhang, D. and Huang, K. 2020. Evaluation of historical and future wetland degradation using remote sensing imagery and land use modeling. Land Degradation & Development, 31(1): 65-80.
  14. Jahanifar, K., Amirnejad, H., Mojaverian, M. and Azadi, H. 2018. Land change detection and effective factors on forest land use changes: application of land change modeler and multiple linear regression. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 22(8): 1269-1275.
  15. Johnson, S.J. 2009. An evaluation of land change modeler for ARCGIS for the ecological analysis of landscape composition. Southern Illinois University at Carbondal
  16. Joorabian Shooshtari, S.H. 2012. Monitoring land cover change, degradation, and restoration of the hyrcanian forests in northern Iran (1977–2010). International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(3): 1038-1056
  17. Kim, O.S. 2010. An Assessment of Deforestation Models for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). Transactions in GIS, 14: 631-654
  18. Kouassi, J.L., A. Gyau, L. Diby, Y. Bene, C. Kouamé, 2021. Assessing land use and land cover change and farmers’ perceptions of deforestation and land degradation in South-West Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. Land, 10(4): 429.
  19. Kouassi, J. L., Gyau, A., Diby, L., Bene, Y. and Kouamé, C. 2021. Assessing land use and land cover change and farmers’ perceptions of deforestation and land degradation in South-West Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. Land, 10(4): 1-25.
  20. Kouhestani, S., Eslamian, S. S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and Besalatpour, A. A. 2016. Projection of climate change impacts on precipitation using soft-computing techniques: A case study in Zayandeh-rud Basin, Iran. Global and Planetary Change, 144: 158-170.
  21. Lamsal, P., K. Atreya, MK. Ghosh, KP. Pant, 2019. Effects of population, land cover change, and climatic variability on wetland resource degradation in a Ramsar listed Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, Nepal. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(7); 1-16.
  22. Lamsal, P., Atreya, K., Ghosh, M. K. and Pant, K. P. 2019. Effects of population, land cover change, and climatic variability on wetland resource degradation in a Ramsar listed Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, Nepal. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(7): 1-26.
  23. Maleki, S., Koupaei, S. S., Soffianian, A., Saatchi, S., Pourmanafi, S. and Rahdari, V. 2019. Human and climate effects on the Hamoun wetlands. Weather, Climate, and Society, 11(3): 609-622.
  24. Malik, M. and Rai, S.C. 2019. Drivers of land use/cover change and its impact on Pong Dam wetland. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(4): 1-14.
  25. Mehrabi, A., Khabazi, M., Almodaresi, S. A., Nohesara, M. and Derakhshani, R. 2019. Land use changes monitoring over 30 years and prediction of future changes using multi-temporal Landsat imagery and the land change modeler tools in Rafsanjan city (Iran). Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 11(1): 1-39.
  26. Melendez-Pastor, I., Navarro-Pedreno. , Gomez. I., Koch, M. 2010. Detecting drought induced environmental changes in a Mediterranean wetland by remote sensing; Applied Geography, 30; 254-262
  27. Melendez-Pastor, I., Navarro-Pedreno, J., Gómez, I. and Koch, M. 2010. Detecting drought induced environmental changes in a Mediterranean wetland by remote sensing. Applied Geography, 30(2): 254-262.
  28. Meng, L., N. Roulet, Q. Zhuang, TR. Christensen, S. Frolking, 2016. Focus on the impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics. Environmental Research Letters, 11(10); 1-4.
  29. Meng, L., Roulet, N., Zhuang, Q., Christensen, T. R. and Frolking, S. 2016. Focus on the impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics. Environmental Research Letters, 11(10): 100201.
  30. Munishi, S. and Jewitt, G. 2019. Degradation of Kilombero valley Ramsar wetlands in Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 112; 216-227.
  31. Oñate-Valdivieso, F. and Sendra, J.B.2010. Application of GIS and remote sensing techniques in generation of land use scenarios for hydrological modeling, Journal of Hydrology, 395: 256-263.
  32. Ozesmi, S. L. and Bauer, M. E. 2002. Satellite remote sensing of wetlands. Wetlands ecology and management, 10: 381-402.
  33. Paudel, S. and Yuan, F. 2012. Assessing landscape changes and dynamics using patch analysis and GIS modeling. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol 16: 66-76.
  34. Saintilan, N., Rogers, K., Kelleway, J. J., Ens, E. and Sloane, D. R. 2019. Climate change impacts on the coastal wetlands of Australia. Wetlands, Vol 39: 1145-1154.
  35. Salimi, S., Almuktar, S. A., & Scholz, M. 2021. Impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems: A critical review of experimentalwetlands. Journal of Environmental Management, 286: 112160.
  36. Saymohammadi, S., Zarafshani, K., Tavakoli, M., Mahdizadeh, H. and Amiri, F. 2017. Prediction of climate change induced temperature & precipitation: The case of Iran. Sustainability, 9(1): 1-13.
  37. Suman, D.O. 2019. Mangrove management: challenges and guidelines. In Coastal wetlands (pp. 1055-1079). Elsevier.
  38. Wilby, RL., CW. Dawson, EM. Barrow, 2002. SDSM—a decision support tool for the assessment of regional climate change impacts. Environmental Modelling & Software, 17(2): 145-157.
  39. Zehtabian, G. R. and Salajegheh, A. Malekian, N. Boroomand, A. Azareh, 2016. Evaluation and comparison of performance of SDSM and CLIMGEN models in simulation of climatic variables in Qazvin plain, Desert, 21(2); 147-156.
  40. Zheng, Y., Zhang, G., Wu, Y., Xu, Y. J. and Dai, C. 2019. Dam effects on downstream riparian wetlands: the Nenjiang River, Northeast China. Water, 11(10): 1-17.