The spatial association between Halocnemum strobliaceum and Nebkas in North of Golestan Province, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Watershed and Arid Zone Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, IRAN

2 Phd Student, Arid Zone Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

3 M.Sc Student, Arid Zone Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

4 Department of Watershed and Arid Zone Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources



Investigating the distribution of Halocnemum strobliaceum (H. strobliaceum) has an important role in spatial patterns of Nebka. In order to compare the indices efficiency of H. strobliaceum. and Nebkas’ spatial patterns and their interactions, a semi-arid region with 27.3 ha was selected in Golestan Province, Iran. The analysis of the collected samples was performed using univariate and bivariate summary statistic methods. Then, the maps of 119 H. strobliaceumand 322 Nebkas locations were prepared using Leica TCR407 Total Station Reflectorless. In the next step, detailed field studies were carried out to investigate the patterns and interactions between H. strobliaceumand Nebkas spatial locations in the selected region. The univariate (L, g, and O-ring functions) and bivariate (L12, g12, and O12 functions) summary statistics were used to separately investigate spatial patterns of H. strobliaceum and Nebkas as well as their interaction. The results of the univariate summary statistics showed that the H. strobliaceumhad a dispersed distribution pattern up to scales of 17 m and this pattern was a significant departure from random labeling at scales of 0-7 m. In this regard, the pattern of Nebkas showed a higher tendency to dispersed pattern at scales 0-18 m and after that the random pattern at scales 18-50 m. The bivariate summary statistics showed that H. strobliaceum and Nebkas locations had a highly significant positive relationship, suggesting their facilitation effects. In general, it is concluded that the spatial pattern of H. strobliaceum is a strong predictor of the Nebkas point pattern.


Main Subjects

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